Our Story

I've always been a geek and a nerd.  I love to know things and do things, and became a Physics Teacher.  I love what I do, but in teaching you will rarely see the impact you had on a students life.  During the world wide event in 2020 I lost a lot of connections with others, and really wanted to build up my social experiences again so I got into D&D.  I decide that my first game was going to be me as a DM.  I had always wanted to get a 3D printer since I saw one of my student make one, and thought DMing and 3D printing can be a good way to use my time seeing as how we couldn't do much else.  My wife was reluctant...  

Then in February of 2023 I accidently sold a Red Dragon and a Tiamat at a convention that I went to as a player.  I started to think, huh this could help me offset costs of my game and passion.  So I started planning my store and company.  We opened our Etsy on March 2023, and it was slow to start.  I designed a dice tower and launched that in April, and that has taken off.  We then decided to try a few craft fairs and see what would happen,  well it did WAY better then I imagined.  So may people were excited to see 3D printing for the first time, and I spend my days smiling and talking with those that know nothing about 3D printing, and trading tips with those that also have their own printers.

I don't know where this is going to go, but I am thankful to my Wife, and three boys for supporting me along this journey.  Will you join us as we take the next steps to bring you the items that also bring you joy?